Clothing made from MILK!!!!
Yes, it's true, you can now buy clothing made from milk. There has been a lot of people asking if its eco friendly and all that, it depends on the person I guess. But anywhooo, milk silk is all around great to me, 100% A+. Not only does it feeeeel great, its a bit thicker than normal silk, so its not as delicate. It great for hot summer days. Milk silk also holds its color VERY well. I have been told milk silk is great for people who sweat alot or people who are 50 and older. Its hard to find kids clothing in milk silk, but if you do, buy it!!! Milk silk is the new silk, and to me almost better than cotton!!!
Normaly milk silk clothing cost a lot, but you can find good deals on it and its worth every penny. The dress above is only 19.99. click my boutique link to buy.
Yep, not only does milk do your body good, but your clothing to.
silk OUT/ milk silk IN